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Spray Dynamics Costing and Seasoning Equipment
Card image Spray Dynamics Coating and Seasoning Systems - English

Leaders in coating and seasoning application precision helping you produce quality, flavorful products with little to no waste.

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Heat and Control's manufacturing plant in India
Card image New Heat and Control Manufacturing Facility in India - English

Heat and Control has opened a new manufacturing facility in Chennai, India, which has a manufacturing area of over 11,800 square meters (127,014 square feet), making it one of the company’s largest facilities around the world.

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Complete snack food processing and packaging solutions
Card image HCI Complete Snack Line Solutions - English

Since 1980, Ishida and Heat and Control have partnered to bring extensive experience to the food industry and together we offer full line automation and integrated solutions to companies around the world.

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Weighers for thousands of food applications
Card image Ishida Multihead Weighers Handle Thousands of Applications - English

In 1972, Ishida changed the packaging industry forever by inventing computer combination weighing (CCW) technology. Ishida still delivers the top performing multihead weighing machines, ensuring that your products are handled gently, cleanly, and efficiently.

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Ishida GA X-ray inspection systems
Card image Ishida Genetic Algorithm (GA) X-ray Inspection Systems - English

The IX-GA offers high sensitivity X-ray inspection of low-density contaminants. The sophisticated Genetic Algorithm image processing software analysis accurately coupled with Ishida's unique five-level image processing software safely and reliably detects foreign objects including stainless metal, glass, plastic, bone, and rubber.

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X-ray inspection systems by Ishida
Card image Ishida - The Leading X-ray Inspection Provider - English

Manage risk and improve quality by finding foreign objects and detecting product defects before they reach the consumer.

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